Diet for weight loss without harm to health with a menu for every day

Do you want to lose weight without harming your health? We present to you the TOP 10 diets with a menu for every day that will help you lose weight without harm to health once and for all!

effective weight loss diet

Diets are considered "evil" that do not benefit the body. But if you plan your diet competently and sensibly, relying on popular and effective diet regimens, it is quite possible to lose extra pounds not only quickly, but also safely. This becomes especially relevant when the calendar spring is approaching. The main thing to remember is that severe restrictions, hunger, lack of vitamins will bring you nothing but a bad mood and weak skin. Let's look at the reasons that prevent you from losing weight, and consider the most effective diets without harm to health.

TOP 10 Effective Diets for Weight Loss with a Menu

We present to you the 10 most popular diets for weight loss that have gained great popularity among women around the world:

  1. The "favorite" diet
  2. Diet for lazy
  3. Diet by Elena Malysheva
  4. 1200 calorie diet
  5. Carbohydrate-free diet
  6. Japanese diet
  7. Diet Minus 60
  8. Diet 6 petals
  9. Diet Maggi
  10. Ducan's Diet

Reasons to gain weight

The main principle for losing weight is to spend more calories than you consume with meals per day. Specific figures are individual, it all depends on your physical activity, weight, age, height. Experts say that a 30 year old person should consume about 2 thousand calories per day. That is, it is enough to reduce this figure to lose weight.

fresh fruits and vegetables on a diet

What is weight gain? You may not be able to:

  • Distribute proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your daily diet. That is, you need to clearly understand what you can eat for breakfast and what kind of dinner.
  • Choose products. It is best to buy products that have undergone minimal processing (for example meat instead of minced meat).
  • Getting rid of excess weight with a diet is irrational without exercise. Only a few measures will allow you to get a slim but toned body at the same time.

Perfect Menu

Self-cooking allows you to control the amount of calories and its fat content. Before considering effective diets that do not harm the body, it is important to learn how to choose the right products.

slim girl after weight loss
  • We replace half-finished products and minced meat with fresh meat. No matter what it is, waste, pork or poultry, the main thing is naturalness.
  • Smoking products should be excluded. Seafood and fish must be fresh.
  • The diet should be filled with seasonal fruits, berries, vegetables and fresh herbs. But frozen and canned foods are excluded.
  • No dairy and sour milk with additives, only natural and with a short shelf life.
  • We replace instant side dishes with cereals that require cooking.
  • It is wiser to fill the salad not with mayonnaise, but with vegetable oil or sour cream. And ketchup should be replaced by soy sauce.
  • Avoid pastries, sweets and sugar. Want something delicious? Watch out for dark chocolate, jelly, marshmallows, marshmallows.
  • White bread should be replaced by whole grain or whole grain bread.
  • From drinks - excluding alcohol and instant coffee, natural coffee and green tea are allowed.

It is enough to follow these recommendations, and a change in diet will inevitably lead to weight loss. But if you need fast results, effective diets without harm to the body will always help.

Expanding the list of diets

Let's add to our main list of diets! There are several options that, if you follow the recommendations, will help you to lose weight in 1 month by about 5-7 kilograms.

The first option is protein diet

This is not an easy task, but once you have experienced hunger, you will quickly become accustomed to such a diet. And in a month, your reflection in the mirror will amaze you every day.

Day of the week Recommended menu for the day
  • Breakfast: var. an egg and a piece of cheese (low fat).
  • Lunch: var. One (2) and natural juice.
  • Dinner: kefir (up to 2, 5%).
  • Breakfast: Gîte rural Kéis - 150 gr. , Low-fat sour cream can be added.
  • Lunch: Vegetable salad and freshly squeezed juice.
  • Dinner: oatmeal (small portion) and a piece of cheese.
  • Breakfast: var. Eggs (2) and not sweet tea.
  • Lunch: Fruit salad and juice.
  • Dinner: some meat (low fat, for example, fillet) and 40 gr. melted cheese.
  • Breakfast: green salad.
  • Lunch: var. Egg and tea.
  • Dinner: Barley porridge and a piece of cheese.
  • Breakfast: low-fat kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Lunch: var. Ee an Apel.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, cheese, meat.
  • Breakfast: var. no.
  • Lunch: Cabbage and carrot salad, tea.
  • Dinner: var. an egg and a slice of cheese.
Sunday Fasting Day.

The second option is to drink a diet

As part of this food system, you can mainly consume drinking foods. At the same time, your body gets everything it needs, and in a month you can lose 10 pounds.

Dough How to make a menu
  • Breakfast: Smoothies (any composition).
  • Lunch: yoghurt (drinkable) and some fruit.
  • Dinner: green leafy salad.
  • Breakfast: see Mon.
  • Lunch: light salad (ideally vegetables) and juice (natural).
  • Dinner: low-fat kefir.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal (small portion).
  • Lunch: Smoothies.
  • Dinner: Milk or kefir (only 1 tablespoon).
  • Breakfast: Vegetable soup.
  • Lunch: cf.
  • Dinner: natural juice and apples - 2 pieces.
  • Breakfast: see Mon.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup and tea.
  • Dinner: see Do.
  • Breakfast: Vegetable soup and an orange.
  • Lunch: Smoothie and 1 apple.
  • Dinner: see Mon, you can add tea.
Sunday Fasting Day.

Salt-free diet - excellent results

Much has been written and said about the dangers of salt. But did you know that there is a diet system that allows you to lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight in 13 days? It is called the Japanese salt-free diet. Let us know the menu.

Dough Three meals
The first
  • Cup of natural coffee.
  • Var. Eggs - 2, Coleslaw (up to 300 gr. ), Season with oil, Tomato juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Fish - fried or cooked - 120 g.
  • Coffee and 1 Cracker.
  • Fish (not only cooking but also frying is allowed) - 120 gr. , Vegetable salad - up to 300 gr.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp. , Beef broth. - 100 gr.
  • See second.
  • fried zucchini - 1 piece.
  • Beef var. - 200 gr. , var. Eggs - 2, Coleslaw - 270 gr.
  • Look first.
  • Raw Egg, Cheese - 15 gr. , Salad from var. Carrots (use 3 large root vegetables).
  • Fresh fruit - up to 250 g.
  • Raw Carrot Salad (Dressing with Lemon Juice) - 270 gr.
  • Fish (see second. ), Tomato juice - 1 tbsp.
  • See fourth.
  • Look first.
  • Var. Chicken - 200 gr. , Carrots and cabbage salad - up to 300 gr.
  • Carrots fresh - 1 tablespoon, var. eggs - 2.
  • Weak tea.
  • Beef decoction. - 200 gr. , fresh fruit - 250 gr.
  • All meals except the third day.
Eighth Sixth day menu.
Ninth Fifth day.
Tenth Fourth day.
Eleventh Third day.
Twelfth Sweat Day.
Thirteenth First day.

Any diet, no matter how long it takes according to plan, requires consultation with a physician. Each organism is individual, and what is useful and effective for one can be extremely harmful to another.

Diet of Maya Plisetskaya

According to the famous ballerina, they have not yet come up with other ways to lose weight except "eat less". This confirms the diet scheme she proposed and designed for 2 weeks. During this time, under all recommendations, it is possible to lose up to 10 kilograms. The secret is simple:

  • Breakfast - 1 plate (small) oatmeal.
  • Lunch - 1 bowl of vegetable soup with vegetable broth, 1 bowl of green salad.
  • Dinner - 1 cup cooked rice, 1 bowl light salad, a portion of fried salmon.
healthy eating foods

Terrible? No fear. Between the listed meals it is allowed to eat vegetables or fruits (strictly 1 pc. ). It is important to drink as much water as possible. A prerequisite is the complete exclusion from the diet for this period of eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, meat, chocolate, "milk". Fish - not every day. You can add broccoli and barley.

Each diet must be followed for a limited time to give the desired result without harm to health. Then you should turn your attention to the right diet, which will allow you to save what you currently have and, during the sport, achieve an even greater effect.